

Stereo Radio Receiver Series OR-5100

It is a luxury hi-fi radio set capable of receiving stereo and mono programs in FM range and mono programs in AM ranges. It is sultable for operation with external devices such as tape recorders, record players and mixers. The OR-5102 provides means for playng back mono and stereo programs from tapes, if a tape recorder is used, and from records, if a record player employing a piezoelectric or magnetic pick-up is used. It will operate with external sound sources, such as all-frequency-band radioreceivers and mixers. The OR-5102 employs many modern facilites such as noise suppressor, ARC, lighted indicators, touch controls and electronic memory which provides means of immediate selection of one of any eight pre-selected FM stations, etc. Its circuitry consist of modern sub-assemblies emplayng transistors, integrated circuits, ceramic and hybrid filtres to provide a high rellability. Owing to its four quasi-quadro system loudspeaker outputs, it is capable of producing pseudo-quadro effects. This radio receiver has modern appearance and is able to meet the requirements of connoisseurs of music.


RADMOR uno dei marchi più prestigiosi nella produzione Polacca della seconda metà degl'anni settanta. Sotto la "tutela" di UNITRA, unico gruppo Polacco nel settore audiovisivo, con diverse aziende sparse su tutto il territorio nazionale. La Radmor con la sede a Gdynia (vicino di Danzica) ha cominciato la progettazione del Sinto-amplificatore OR-5100 già nel 1976 ma soltanto un anno dopo parte la produzione di serie, e prosegue fino a 1986. Nel periodo di produzione ci sono state 4 variazioni del modello base, dal 1979 al 1981

OR-5102, dal 1981 al 1985 versioni OR-5102T e OR- 5102TE. Nella fase finale della produzione viene aggiunto un Tuner AM-5122.


RADMOR OR-5100 è stato costruito con l'uso anche di elementi stranieri tra i quali; indicatori ad ago della VARIA, i transistori 2N3055 TOSHIBA ma anche TUNGSRAM. Nella progettazione sono state rispettate tutte le norme di HI-FI e DIN dell'epoca. Modello 5100 è stato dotato di doppi finali di potenza e tutta la costruzione si basa su sistemi modulari. Il panello frontale in aluminio annodizzato è disponibile in due colorazioni; argento oppure nero, con lo chassis rivestito in legno di mogano. Bisogna annotare la particolare cura nella creazione dei pomelli e dei tasti a sensori. Il pomello è stato creato con due separati elementi di aluminio, prima torniti poi fresati e in fine lucidati , con l'effetto di creare un pezzo unico e indistruttibile nel tempo.


Le prime due versioni OR-5100 e OR-5102 sul panello frontale sono state equipaggiate di 5 indicatori ad ago, due a sinistra per unità di volume (canale sinistro e destro), tre a destra per la sintonia delle onde radio. Il primo per la scelta di frequenze radio AM(165 - 285 kHz) e FM(65,5 - 73 MHz), da notare la scala più bassa usata nell'epoca in Polonia per le trasmissioni radiofoniche in FM. Indicatore centrale per la potenza del segnale e infine quello a destra per la massima precisione della sincronizzazione con la minima distorsione del segnale.


Successivi modelli 5102T e 5102TE vengono prodotti senza indicatori per unità di volume e con nuovo sistema a LED per la sezione della sintonizzazione, tranne l'unico rimasto per la frequenza radio. In più la versione 5102TE ha un ingresso specifico per l'equalizzatore esterno prodotto da Radmor in due versioni 5470 e 5471.Tutti ingressi/uscite audio sono tipo DIN5 e l'ingresso per le casse acustiche tipo "punto-linea"


Radmor OR-5100 faceva parte dei sistemi audio più avanzati tecnicamente nel periodo della Repubblica Popolare Polacca perciò veniva anche esportato in Francia.
TUNER FM - (65,5 - 73 MHz)
- stereo; 35 µV
- mono; 2 µV
AUDIO PASS BAND: 40 - 15 000 Hz (mono and stereo)
- mono; 0,3 %
- stereo; 0,7 %
S/N RATIO; 60 dB
REPRODUCTION TYPES; mono, stereo, quasi quadro
TUNER AM - (165 - 285 kHz)
- Ferrite Antenna; 2 mV/m
- External Antenna; 80 µV
AUDIO PASS BAND: 100 - 3 000 Hz
- Internal; ferrite antenna
- External; 10 - 15 m long

- Speakers 2 x 4 Ω (front); 2 x 25 W
- Speakers 2 x 4 Ω (rear); 2 x 15 W
- Headphones 400 Ω; 2 x 75 mW
- 1 magnetic pick-up;
- 1 piezoelectric pick-up
SIZE: 524 x 330 x 137 mm
WEIGHT: 10,5 kg

Sansui RA 700

Solid State reverbration amplifier with Rainbow. New dimension in the stereo sound. This double pickup unit brings vibrant, echo-chamber effect normally found only in professional recording studios. Continuously adjustable reverb time with rainbow visual indication. It can handle two tape decks simultaneously, assing depth and realism to records,broadcasts or your own voice. Controls are extremely simple to use. Rich looking cabinet matches finest componenets.

Harmonic Distortion:  0.2%
Frequency Response:  20 - 30,000 hz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:  65 dB
Reverbration Time:  1,9 - 3,2 sec.
Dimensions (W xH x D):  280 x 125 x 264 mm
Weight:  2,4 kg

Finish:  Simulated walnut grain

Sansui ES 207, ES 209 prospetto '78

I sistemi d'altoparlanti ES 207 e ES 209 qui illustrati sono il risultato di anni di ricerche accurate su quanto ci si aspetta in Europa dalla prestazione di un altoparlante. Al giorno d'oggi la progettazione di un sistema d'altoparlanti e' in una fase cosi progredita da rendere relativamente facile il perfezionamento in teoria di un altoparlante, facendo uso di modelli ottenuti da un computer. Tuttavia, anche se lo stampato del computer e' perfetto, le prove finali d'ascolto possono risultare deludenti. Cio' prova ancora una volta ai tecnici della Sansui che l'udito dell'uomo e' certamente un fattore complesso. E' per questa ragione che la Sansui ha prodotto degli altoparlanti seguendo il principio della riproduzione musicale ed allo stesso tempo della perfezione tecnica. Gli altoparlanti Sansui della gamma ES hanno acquistato in breve tempo un posto di preminenza grazie al loro eccelente rendimento. 
Le casse acustiche ES 207 e ES 209 sono costruite con speciale cura in Europa e vengono abbinate agli altoparlanti tecnologicamente piu' recenti provenienti dal Giappone. Quest'insolito abbinamento effettuato dal costruttore giapponese da' come risultato delle unita' che offrono una chiarezza eccezionale ed una prestazione musicale notevole. Una prestazione che non solo vi soddisfera' durante la prima dimostrazione d'ascolto ma anche nella vostra stessa casa. Siamo fermamente convinti che i Sansui ES 207 e ES 209 supereranno la prova decisiva: quella del vostro esigente udito. Incastellature elaborate elettronicamente e stabilita
Cercando di ottenere una riproduzione musicale pura abbiamo progettato le incastellature degli altoparlanti facendo uso dell'analisi delle vibrazioni e delle sollecitazioni meccaniche effettuate con l'aiuto del computer. Abbiamo inoltre usato uno speciale coimbente di smorzamento all'interno delle pareti, per diminuire la frequenza naturale di risonanza ed eliminare qualsiasi effetto di "cassa". Ancora una volta l'eccezionale abilita' tecnica non e' tutto. Non vi e' strumento di prova migliore dell'udito dell'uomo. Ed il chiaro effetto stereofonico, con il passagio armonioso dai bassi profondi ai cristalini toni piu' alti di questi altoparlanti lo provera'.
Entrambi i modelli sono dotati di un sistema di radiatore passivo che comprende un altoparlante Sansui per le basse frequenze, da 200mm, comletamente nuovo. La prestazione dei toni bassi e' veramente eccezionale. Il radiatore passivo da 200mm dell ES 207 puo' coprire bassi da 50Hz giu' fino a 25Hz, ed il radiatore passivo da 250mm dell ES 209 e'in grado di estendere ancora di piu' i bassi faino a 20Hz.
Le bobine degli altoparlanti, a corsa lunga e di lunga estensione sulle unita' d'azionamento, mantengono un altro grado di linearita' e stabilita ed offrono un alto grado di resistenza al calore. Possono essere azionate in tutta sicurezza ad alti liveli di potenza senza deformazione o tensione. Sfiorate con le dita il cono dell'altoparlante per basse frequenze e rimarrete sorpresi. Il rivestimento di plastica ABS del cono contribuisce ad eliminare sgradevoli timbri e distorsini, specialmente nella fascia dei bassi intermedi. Alte frequenze armoniose e precise Noterete senza dubbio l'armonisita' e la chiarezza delle alte frequenze degli altoprlanti ES 207 e ES 209.
Anche questi hanno incorporato uno strato sottile di plastica applicato all volta dell'altoparlante per alte frequenze. La Sansui ha compiuto esperimenti su innumerevoli tipi di cupole per poter trovare l'abbinamento perfetto per i generatori della fascia intermedia dei bassi. L'abbiamo trovato! Questo altoparlante per alte frequenze di nuovo tipo offre una linearita' ed una risposta di transiente eccellenti, fino a 35 Khz, con un margine veramente trasculabile di distorsioni.
La semplicita' e' alla base della progettazione di questo altoparlante, tuttavia la Sansui non ha trascurato una parte essenziale: il crossover. Che per entrambi i modelli, consente di un filtro passa alto e passa basso d'interuzzione d'ottava da 18 dB. Dal momento che la progettazione del crossover e la scelta dei componenti ricoprono un ruolo di vitale importanza nella prestazzione dell'altoparlante, abbiamo usato soltanto il meglio nella progettazione di questo nuovo tipo di crossover.
Condesatori di ottima qualita', di un sottile foglio mettalizzato a spruzzo e conduttori di ferrite a distorsione ultrabassa concorrono a migliorare la risposta transiente e la qualita' del suono. Collegato al crossover e' l'attenuatore del livello dei toni alti, situato convenientemente sul panello anteriore per la regolazione dell'uscita d'alta frequenza a seconda delle Vostre preferenze personali o dell'acustica della stanza.
Compattezza e funzionalita'
Rimarrete certamente sorpresi dalla potenza erogata da questi altoparlanti, considerando la loro compattezza e dimensioni. Vi sorprendera' anche l'effetto stereofonico cosi preciso che potrete ricreare nello spazio disponibile, e senza alcun ingombro da parte delle unita' stesse. Funzionalita', anche. L'elegante griglia di materiale spugnoso puo' essere rimossa, se lo desiderate. E per rendere piu' agevole la connessione dei fili l'ES 207 e l'ES 209 vi offrono la scelta di terminali DIN e di prese a banana.
Tratto dal prospetto originale Sansui 1978

Sansui ES 207 & ES 209

Sistemi d'altoparlanti a due canali con radiatore passivo.


 Sansui Direct Drive Electronic Transcription Turntable SR525

Sansui engineeres and designers working on the SR-525 made no claims or promises until they were sure of thier results. They knew they were on the trail of a significant breakthrough in turntable execellence. And they were right. Now that the new direct-drive SR-525 is ready for marketing, thier secrets can be revealed: One, they have refined the rotor position sensor mechanism in combination with a 20-pole, 30-slot brushless DC servomotorwith a saturable core to perfect the most accurate, most silently running direct-drive system the industry has ever seen.
Two, they have lowered wow and flutter to a negligible 0.03% and boosted S/N toa high 64dB with the use of mirror-finishedspindle and sleeve combination. Three, they have used the finest Sansui S-shaped tonearm, incorporation a special resonance-absorber (Pat. pend.) for it tototally eliminate resonance and used a knife-edge support system to ensure the lowest friction performance they've ever achieved. 
And finally, the SR-525 is equipped with a solid, die-cast aluminium headshell, a stroboscopic pitch control system, electronic speed-change controls and a number of other advanced features to further guarantee maximum performance exceellence and ease of operation.

 The biggest secret of the direct-drive SR-525 is how Sansui has held its price to and even below the level of comparable belt-drive models.  And that's one secret they're not sharing.

 Specifications SR-525
Type:  manual single record playing transcription turntable
Motor:  20 pole, 30 slot DC brushless type
Drive:  Direct spindle derive, electronic ally servo-controlled
Platter:  310 mm (12-1/4") aluminum die-cast weighing 1,4 kg (3,1 lbs)
Wow and Flutte:  less than 0,03% (WRMS)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:  better than 64 dB (IEC-B)
Rumble:  better than -72 dB (DIN-B)
Recoed Speeds:  33, 45 rpm
Fine Speed Adjustment:  ±3,5% (separate knobs 33 and 45 rpm)
Speed Control:  Illuminated stroboscope with marking on he platter periphery
Tonearm:  Statically-balanced S-shaped resonance-free tonearm with knife-edge support, adjustable height
Length:  220 mm (8-11/16") pivot to stylus tip
Overhang:  17,5 mm (3/4")
Friction (10 mm deflection):
20 miligrams vertical
100 miligrams horizontal
Minimum Tracking Force Setting:  0,5 grams
Acceptable Cartridge Weight:  4 - 11 grams
Compensation:  Bias and Lateral Balance
Cueing:  Separate lever at arm base
Cartridge:  SV-27A (for SR-525 sold outsaide the USA, Europe, Canada)
Type:  Moving Magnet
Frequency Response:  10 - 23,000 Hz
Channel Separation:  25 dB (1 kHz)
Output Voltage: 3,5 mV per channel (1 kHz 50mm/sec.)
Optimum Load:  47,000 ohms
Tracking Force:  1,5 - 2,0 grams
Stylus:  SN-27 0,5 mil diamond spherical
Cabinetry:  40 mm thick chip-board base with anti-howling insulators and hinged free-stop tinted cover
Power Requirements:  100 - 120 / 220 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption:  5 watts
Dimensions (W x H x D):  469 x 150 x 375 mm (18-1/2 x 5-15/16 x 14-13/16 inch)
Weight:  9,5 kg (20,9 lbs) net
45 rpm record spindle adaptor,
Low capacitance - 40 pF/m- output signal cable,
Cartridge mounting gauge

Pioneer Series 20

Pioneer introduced a line of true audiophile components in the late 1970s known as Series 20. These components used the latest engineering and displayed the finest quality parts Pioneer had ever manufactured. The components included the C-21 Preamplifier, the M-22 and M-25 Amplifier, the D-23 Crossover, the F-26 and F-28 tuner, the A-27 Integrated Amplifier, the PLC-590 Turntable and PA-1000 Tonearm. There was also a U-24 Program Selector used primarily by Pioneer dealers. All but the turntable and tonearm are covered in this section.

Pioneer C-21
Pioneer designed the C-21 Preamplifier to work in conjunction with the M-22 or the M-25 amplifier in the Series 20 line. The control layout was simple and uncluttered. Front left to right, they were Power, Gain (left and right), Tape monitor, Volume, Cartridge Load (adjustable for resistance and capacitance), and selector knob for Phono, Subsonic Phono, Aux1 and Aux 2.
Specifications were impressive, to say the least. Frequency response in the Phono section was 20 to 20,000 Hz +/- 0.2dB; it was 10 to 100,000 Hz +0 dB, -0.2 dB on Aux1 and 3 to 300,000 Hz +0 dB, -1.0dB on Aux2 ! Total harmonic distortion was a mere 0.01%. This was most definitely in the audiophile arena of performance.

Pioneer M-22
The M-22 was a pure Class A amplifier that was rated at 30 watts per channel. Pioneer stated in its Series 20 brochure: "Class-A circuits are used throughout to reduce distortion. If operated in Class-B the M-22 would deliver no less than 150 watts per channel--five times as much--with so-so distortion. The most sophisticated circuit construction yet developed by Series Twenty is reflected here, along with truly first-class parts and components to asssure you're getting the real advantages of such design."
And this is what Pioneer had to say specifically about the M-22's performance: "Not to be overlooked is the extremely wide power bandwidth offered in the M-22: 5Hz to 100kHz, both channels driven, 0.01% THD. Note also that the frequency response is an amazing 2Hz to 150kHz, + 0dB/1 dB at 1 watt, and that the signal-to-noise ratio is a high 106 dB (IHF short-circuited A network." At its full power output of 30 watts into 8 ohms, this amp had no more than 0.01% THD between 10 Hz and 30kHz! Class A indeed!

Pioneer D-23

The D-23 was a multi-amp electronic crossover network to permit bi-amping or tri-amping. The crossover frequencies were divided into low, mid-low, mid-high and high. The range of the crossover frequencies could be varied within these four groups with the upper row of control knobs. The four larger knobs in the center were the level controls. The six smaller knobs at the bottom of the panel were to adjust the slope.
The D-23 had impressive specifications, like all the Series 20 components. Its total harmonic distortion was a mere 0.005% between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. The signal to noise ratio was 100 dB IHF, A-rated.
Pioneer U-24 Program Selector

When Pioneer designed the Series 20 line, the C-21 pre-amp had one input for phone and tape, plus two auxiliary inputs. Pioneer saw the need for a program source selector for those audiophiles--or Pioneer dealers--that required more inputs for multiple sources. The U-24 Program Selector was the result.
The U-24 had two AUX inputs, three phono inputs, four tape inputs and outputs different tape decks (cassette or reel to reel) with tape to tape dubbing facilities, and three power amplifier outputs. It measured 16.53 inches wide, 3.18 inches high and 12.97 inches deep.

Pioneer M-25
The M-25 was rated at 120 watts continuous, per channel with both channels driven into 8 ohms from 5 Hz to 30,000 Hz, with no more than 0.01% total harmonic distortion. In fact, this amp could reproduce ultrasonic frequencies up to 80 kHz with only 0.05% THD! Why have such capability beyond the range of human hearing? Pioneer stated: "It is essential to the high quality of signals within the hearable range that those beyond that range are handled cleanly in order to avoid harmonic distortion and other harful irregularities. And this the M-25 does with impressive accuracy, at full power."Pioneer M-25
To do this, Pioneer employed newly-developed Ring Emitter Transistors (RETs) instead of Field Effect Transistors (FETs). The RETs had better high frequency characteristics. It employed all the high-grade semiconductors as those used in the M-22, and the same 22,000 microfarad power capacitors. It naturally had higher output power supplies.

Pioneer F-26

The F-26 tuner, like the other components in the Series 20 line, received carefully design engineering to push the technological envelope on tuner design. In true audiophile fashion, it featured FM only. It was a higher performance, lower profile design compared to the F28 tuner. Pioneer employed newfeatures and circuitry having: Quartz-Locked Touch Sensor Tuning, an elaborate "Clean Pilot" system for cleaner high-frequency, and a Parallel Balanced Linear Detector( PBLD) for vastly improved signal-to-noise ratio and detection efficiency.
This tuner also featured automatic wide/narrow IF bandwidth slection. The F-26 was design with a large power supply and two 6000 microfarad power supply capacitors, a muting level control on the rear panel, adjustable stereo/mono signal switchover, adjustable muting control, and gold plated terminals.

Pioneer A-27

The A-27 Integrated Amplifier was the most expensive component in the Series 20 line. Pioneer clearly intended to incorporate much of the circuit design from the M-type amplifiers, but have a greater degree of control than the C-21 pre-amp. It used the "Magni-Wide" DC power amplifier section, but also used a total of three other all-DC-configured amplifier stages: a DC phono equalizer amp, a DC flat amp and DC "head amp" for Moving Coil (MC) type phono cartridges. Like the M-25, the A-27 used RETs in the output stage. It also used automatic Class AB switching, operating in Class A mode until the sudden audio peaks automatically switched to Class B.
The A-27 used two large power supply transformers, one for each channel, positioned on the left of the chassis, and four electrolytic capacitors. The circuitry employed 206 semi-conductors: four FETs, 122 transistors and 80 diodes.
The A-27 was rated at 120 watts per channel into 8 ohms, from 5 hz to 30 kHz with no more than 0.012% total harmonic distortion. Between 20 Hz and 20 kHz, toal harmonic distortion was a mere 0.008%--virtually non-existant distortion! Intermodulation distortion was only 0.006%. The A-27 entire frequency response ranged from 5 Hz to 200 kHz.

Pioneer F-28

The other tuner in the Series 20 line was the F-28. It differed in appearance and price (lower) from the F-26, but was still a superb performer. It employed Pioneer's Photo Logic Synthesizer/Quartz Locked system and "Clean Pilot" circuitry. It also used the Parallel Balanced Linear Detector and featured selectable Wide/Narrow IF Bandwidth. The circuitry used a 5-gang variable capacitor for higher tuning accuracy to improve image response, spurious response and IF response ratios, all having 120 dB or better.Its signal to noise ratio in mono was 84 dB and in stereo 81 dB.The F-28 employed 10 FETs, 21 ICs, 63 transistors and 56 Diodes. It measured 16.56 inches wide, 6.12 inches high and 14.21 inches deep. It weighed 19 pounds, 13 ounces and had an M.S. R. P. of $690.00.

Indiana Line serie Musa

 The Musa series loudspeakers warrant the performances needed to meet the musical quality level, dynamic range and power handling capability required by the most advanced recording techniques, recreating in your listening room the engaging emotion of a live concert as well the special effects of an action movie. The enclosures are made precious thanks to the handicraft finishing with real wood veneer: rosewood or black oak.
 musa 105
2-way, bass-reflex loudspeaker
30 ÷ 80 watt suggested amplifier
4 ÷ 8 Ω amplifier load impedance
52 ÷ 22,000 Hz response
90 dB (2.83 V / 1 m) sensitivity
150 mm woofer
26 mm dome tweeter
2500 Hz crossover
155 x 260 x 252 mm dimensions
3.9 Kg weight
foam plug supplied
rosewood or black oak veneer
 musa 205
2-way, bass-reflex loudspeaker
30 ÷ 100 watt suggested amplifier
4 ÷ 8 Ω amplifier load impedance
46 ÷ 22,000 Hz response
90 dB (2.83 V / 1 m) sensitivity
150 mm woofer
26 mm dome tweeter
2,500 Hz crossover
170 x 310 x 292 mm dimensions
5.5 Kg weight
rosewood or black oak veneer
bi-wiring / bi-amping terminals
musa 505
3-way, bass-reflex loudspeaker
30 ÷ 140 watt suggested amplifier
4 ÷ 8 Ω  amplifier load impedance
36 ÷ 22,000 Hz response
91 dB (2.83 V / 1 m) sensitivity
150 mm woofer
150 mm midrange
26 mm dome tweeter
180/2,500 Hz crossover
170 x 890 x 272 mm dimensions
12.3 Kg weight
rosewood or black oak veneer
bi-wiring / bi-amping terminals
musa 705
2-way, bass-reflex loudspeaker
30 ÷ 140 watt suggested amplifier
4 ÷ 8 Ω  amplifier load impedance
50 ÷ 22,000 Hz response
92 dB (2.83 V / 1 m) sensitivity
2 x 150 mm woofer
26 mm dome tweeter
3,000 Hz crossover
460 x 150 x 262 mm dimensions
7.7 Kg weight
shielded loudspeakers
foam plug supplied
rosewood or black oak veneer

H.H. Scott 399

The photo gallery of Stereomaster H.H. Scott 399

Simulcast Stereo

Prior to advent of FM stereo multiplex, H.H. Scott AM/FM tuners (Type 330) were equipped for "simulcast" stereo reception (sometimes referred to as "binaural" broadcasts). Many stations (including WCRB, of Boston, Mass.) would broadcast the left channel program content on FM and the right channel program content simultaneously on their AM affiliate station.

From a September, 1954,WCRB Ad promotingAM/FM "Simulcast" Stereo

H.H. Scott Stereomaster Type 399

H.H. Scott type 399 stereo tuner-amplifier

Years; 1960 - 1962; Cost new: $399

Configuration, RMS rating; AM/FM-Mono "Simulcast Stereo",

Tuner combined with (stereo) amp, 18-wpc

Tech notes;
The 399 was Scott's first receiver to incorporate a complete amplifier. Once again, the type number was curiously the same as the price, just like the original Type 99. Combines a 7189-based (299-B) complete stereo amp and a 330-D AM/FM-mono tuner, on one tall "G" chassis.
Uses two (AM & FM); "Magic-eye" 6BR5/EM80 signal-strength indicator tubes.
23 tubes:
11-tube, Amplifier section: (4) 12AX7 - preamps; (2) 6U8/6GH8(floating paraphase inverter w/AC balance pots); (4) 7189 outputs; (1) 5AR4/GZ34 rectifier
FM Tuner (311-design) section: (1) 6BS8/6BQ7; (1) 6U8; (3) 6AU6; (1) 6BR5/EM80
FM tuning eye 6-tube,
AM Tuner section:(1) 6BA6; (1) 6BE6;(2) 6HS6;(1) 6BR5/EM80
AM tuning eye (1) 12AU7

Weight: 37 lbs.

H.H. Scott 135 Stereo-Daptor


Stereomaster Adapter circa 1957-1960

Add-on Control Center, Mono-to-Stereo Adaptor
The 135 was a completely passive device, that provided central control of two mono amplifiers.Controls included: AC power switching, Master Volume, Loudness compensation, stereo/mono function selector. Introduced the very narrow "H" case/chassis, later used on the 335 MPX Adaptor.The 135 was an innovative and inexpensive "stop-gap" solution that introduced the then-new (1957) concept of two-channel LP
stereo phono sources.It permitted Scott's installed base of monophonic users to protect their investment, while Scott engineers worked on integrated
Stereomaster designs like the 130 and 299.

Stereo-Dapter 135Expand to stereo by adding the Stereo-Daptor and a new H.H. Scott monophonic amplifier to your present system.The Stereo-Daptor permits control of two separate amplifiers from a central point. A Master Volume Controladjusts the volume levels of both channels simultaneously. Special switching lets you play stereo, reverse stereo, use your stereo pickup on monaural records, or play monaural program material through both amplifiers at the same time. This gives you the full power of both amplifiers. No internal changes are required when used withH.H. Scott amplifiers

This is a pristine example of the model 138 Stereo-Daptor. This component was made to be a "bridge" for H.H. Scott owners to add another mono amp to their existing mono amp for a true stereo sound and have one central control.
Once H.H. Scott introduced true stereo amps, this item was dropped from production.


VELA and BASE are the ideal complements needed by all loudspeakers. A linear and polished design emphasizes the shape of the cabinets, the colours and wood veneers underline the style coherence with the loudspeakers, making high class and fashionable systems, at the same time perfectly fitting every kind of environment. But the superb design is not the only feature of this component. We can't avoid saying how subtle is the mechanical working and how exclusive is the finishing. But mostly is the used material making the difference with similar products; aluminium, more expensive than the commonly employed steel, but signed by light weight and high damping. Without any doubt the ability to stop unwilling vibrations is a positive factor, while is more difficult to consider the lightness as a benefit. It is not difficult to realise that a woofer, even if not big, can get vibrating very heavy structures (a wall, for example) and most probably the stands too, no matter of their weight. So, because of the difficulty to stop vibrations in their arising, we think it's better to contain the mass in order to reduce the related energy. This is the reason why the stand is fulfilled with light fibres instead of usual materials (sand, lead pellets) reaching adequate damping without increasing the structure weight. The so called "sail" of wood is not only an original stylistic component, but it works out a specific task, performing like a baffle under the woofer. All that causes an increased load with consequent light accentuation of the frequency range commonly identified as low-medium. So, in addition to the comprehensible considerations related to the aesthetic, this property becomes important in speaker-stand assembling, making preferable VELA in free standing places, or when you are looking for a tone balance underlining the low-medium.

Aliante Linea PF

The ALIANTE LINEA PF (Pininfarina) is harmonious blend of aesthetic design, engineering and craftsmanship. This is carefully combined to create the first floorstanding loudspeaker of the Pininfarina line, full-range 3 ways system of elegant appearance and reference quality performances.The innovative design, midrange and tweeter custom made driver and totally new engineering make it a real jewel among dynamic loudspeaker systems.The target of this design is to provide to all audiophiles not only a 3 ways floorstanding reference system but also the possibility to enjoy their in-house architecture placement.CONSTRUCTIONThe method of construction is such that every single piece of the cabinet is manufactured using numerically controlled machines to ensure the highest precision needed for the manual assembly. All basic design choice has been dictated either by the state of the art technology and the need to propose to all the world the pleasure to really feel music and together enjoy beauty such as the Pininfarina high fashioned technical choices are able to refund. The curved front baffle has been especially studied to achieve the best phase coherence between midrange and tweeter in respect to the first order crossover network choice and the internal sub-woofer phase response.You can find high quality in the passive components too; AUDIOCAP PPFF film and foil capacitors and the special non inductive resistor are produced following our strict directions and needs. The cables come from a high performance wire for fast data networks. Most parts of the ALIANTE LINEA PF are hand made and the initial styling choice has been proudly thought by Ing. Pininfarina with the goal to realize, out of the standard model, special editions with various high quality finishing and colors at a reasonable affordable price.The ALIANTE LINEA PF Special Blue (limited edition) is an example of fine beauty and advanced technical solutions. With this version the cabinet comes in a beautiful cherrywood veneer, the front baffle in mat metallized grey, the grill frame in high gloss metallized blue and the grills in silver grey. All technical solutions and components are the same of the standard model, since their excellence.

Technical data
Type:  Three way, bass-reflex
Low Frequency Driver:  Sub-woofer 200 mm.coated paper
Mid Frequency Driver:  Mid-woofer 130 mm. paper
High Frequeency Driver:  Tweeter 28 mm. soft domecoated silky fabric
Impedance:  6 Ohm (min. 4)
RMS Power:  120 W
MAX Power:  200 W
Efficiency:  90 dB/W/1 m
Dimensions:  325 x385 x 1130 mm.
Net weight:  26 Kg.
Finish:  cherrywood, metallized mat grey
Special Blue:cherrywood, metallized mat grey, high gloss metallized blue (grill frame), silver (grill)

Aliante Moda PF

Without any doubt and from all point of fiew MODA is innovative. All is new; style, design, cabinet features and materials. But nothing is fortuitous; the special side shape allow to place the reflex ports in an unusual position, neither in the front nor in the back, avoiding undesired emissions and ensuring an easy settlement of the loudspeakers, even near the back wall. This is the simple and effective solution gets out from the genious mind of a great designer, able to create a harmonious fusion between innovation, effectiveness and style. There is somethig else too. A layer of damping material interposed between the double
sides of the cabinet reduces dramatically unwilling emissions.The woofer is a new component realized in co-operation with VIFA: it features a moulded basket from a special polymer that has excellent mechanical specifications (stiffness and damping). A new method called NRSC (Non Resonant Suspension Coupling) links together the coated paper diaphragm and the high quality rubber suspension. The features of this modern component includes: 25mm cooled voice coil, magnetic unit of adeguate dimensions, vented alluminium support and turned from solid aluminium phase plug. The special shape of the plug, the only one of this kind, is the result of a long research and development work, pursuing midrange
performance and excellent focusing of the sound image. The smooth fabric dome tweeter is a new developped unit produced by SEAS following our specifications. A very advanced diaphragm construction with pre-coated cloth ensures high quality, constant parameters and competitive cost. The component is qualified by: decompression chamber, air gap with ferrofluid and voice coil with alluminium vented former in order to obtain a better dissipation too.Thanks the high quality of the drivers it is possible to use a first order crossover (6 dB/ott), wich is the most appreciated solution in audiophile applications. The circuit typologies and the implementation techniques follow the preciouse experiences developped during years of realizations well known for the wonderfull sound. The quality of the passive components is one of the best in this field. The polypropylene
condenser AUDIOCAP is produced following our requests and it is important to underline its excellent characteristics in audio applications; the cable comes from the MONSTER CABLE production. The 4 imput terminals are suitable for all connections, the complete separation of the mass allows both the bi-wiring (highly recommended) and the eventual bi-amping.

Technical data
System:  Two way, bass-reflex
1 x Woofer 170 mm.NRSC coated paper
1 x Tweeter 26 mm.soft dome (silky fabric)
Impedance:  8 Ohm (min. 6,5)
RMS Power:  80 W
Maximum Power:  120 W
Efficiency:  88 dB/W/1m
Dimensions:  250 x 350 x 430 mm.
Net weight:  11,5 Kg.
Finish:  metallized mat,solid walnut or cherrywood
Colors:  blue, silver grey, charcoal grey

Aliante One PF

With the ONE PF (Pininfarina) the glamorous car's designer enters Hi-Fi world. Its style is recognizable through the design, the harmonious forms and lines, that immediately evocate the wonderful cars worldwide admired.We are extremely proud of ONE (Pininfarina) manufacture; it's a real jewel built with MDF panels from 35 to 60 mm thick, worked with high precision CNC machines and assembled thanks to low tolerance joints. But it is not only a shapely object because nothing of its aesthetic design is fortuitous; rounded edges to reduce diffractions, tilted front baffle for improved phase coherence, the area next to the tweeter opportunely shaped to improve dispersion and reduce the baffle effect. The finishing process is extremely complex: starts with different steps of insulators making the wood structure absolutly inhert in order to recive the metalized colours. The metalized paints are obviously exclusive and very expensive; they are applyed in a pressure cabin in several layers, finished with a brightly transparent and dried for 72 hours. Only now, after the last polishing, the different parts of the manufacture are ready for assembling. To guarantee a perfect sound, the metallic grids are large-meshed, so they can not be pressed but are individually modelled by an expert panel beater. Clearly the ONE (Pininfarina) project is very difficult to build and consequently they are produced in a short series; exclusive objects only for connoisseurs.SEAS and SCANSPEAK, two of the best european specialists, produce the drive units following our strict specifications. The woofer features a new generation diaphragm with an innovative polymer ; the unit shows an unusually shaped phase plug coming from a long period of reserch and development. The device optimizes midrange performances avoiding colours, focusing image and improving heat dissipation from the pole piece. The plug is built by turning from fine solid copper, a very expensive but functional material, mostly useful for dissipation of the voice coil. The soft dome tweeter D2905 comes from SCANSPEAK, with a new silk fabric diaphragm, hand made and manually coated in different steps to achieve a perfect damping without increasing mass and thus preserving transient dynamic reproduction. The high quality drive units allow the use of a (6dB/ott) 1st order crossover without compensation network, wich is the best for really audiophile applications. Than the circuit typologies and the implementation techniques don’t forget the precious experiences of the past, years of realization known for their wonderful sound. You can find high quality in the passive components too; SOLO CFAC inductors use a thin OFC copper ribbon; AUDIOCAP PPFF film and foil capacitors and the special non inductive resistor are produced following our strict directions and needs. The cables come from a high performance wire for fast data networks. Input terminals admit all type of connections and the complete mass separation allows both bi-wiring (highly recommended) and bi-amping.

Technical data
Type:  Two way, bass-reflex
1 x Woofer 170 mm. polypropylene pentapolymer
1 x Tweeter 28 mm. silk soft dome
Impedance:  6 Ohm (min. 4)
RMS Power:  80 W
Maximum Power:  125 W
Efficiency:  88 dB/W/1 m
Dimensions:  255 x 350 x 400 mm.
Net Weight:  13,5 Kg.
Finish:  high gloss metallized
Colors:  blue, red, silver grey,charcoal grey, racing red

Aliante - our brand name

Aliante - our brand name - is born in 1992, but we come from many years of experience in Hi-End in Italy. Today we are well known over the world as one of the best Hi-End loudspeaker producers. Thanks to Pininfarina's co-operation, we made a complete line - currently out of production - of fully enjoyable objects, well beyond the usual loudspeaker's figure.


Producing the cabinets, Aliante apply to many experienced solid wood furniture manufacturers, particularly devoted to loudspeaker cabinet production. The tradition and skill of Italian wood master-workers is merged with an innovative design's style.


It is located in Revello (CN) and managed by engineer Giuseppe Prato, one of the finest HI-FI loudspeaker designer in Italy, with 25 years of experience in this field. Old brands as Cemark, Acoustical and other OEM productions have been designed and produced in this plant for many years. All the Pininfarina high fashioned loudspeaker systems - currently out of production - match the original models created by the designers and strictly follow a tough Quality Control procedure to guarantee any single piece of product as a masterwork in music reproduction.