

Other Type II (high-bias) cassettes are a long way from home when it comes to reproducing the pure dynamic souns of digitally encoded music sources. But, number for number, TDK HX-S audio cassettes are number one. Thier exclusive metal particle formulation reproduces a wider dynamic range and higher frequency response. This enables HX-S to capture all the crispness and purity of digital performance onany cassette deck with a Type II (high-bias) switch. With four times the magnetic storage ability of other high-bias cassettes, HX-S virtually eliminates high frequency saturatio, while delivering unsurpassed sensitivity throughout the audio spectrum. Additionally, HX-S excels in retention of high frequency MOL, which no other high-bias formulation attains. And HX-S superiority is not just numerical. To maintain its dynamic performance, HX-S is housed in TDK's specially engineered, trouble-free Laboratory Standard mechanism. It's your assurance of unerring reliability and durability, backed
by a Lifetime Warranty. For optium results with Type II (high-bias) and digitally-sourced recordings, get TDK HX-S.
You'll feel more at home with it, wherever you go.

Now you can take teh dynamics of digital performance anywhere. With TDK HX-S. It captures the purity and nuances of digital sound like no other high-bias audio cassette. Specifically designed to record digitally-sourced materials, HX-S offers four times the magnetic storage capability of other high-bias cassettes available todey. Plus unmatched high frequency MOL (maximum Output Level) for optimum
performance. With all this going for it, HX-S does more than step-up your pocked-sized player. It also acts like fuel inection for your car audio system. And it can turn a boombox into a portable music hall. TDK HX-S, one small step for digital, one giant leap for music-kind.

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