
Beyer-Dynamic DT440 headphones

Earphones are made for ears.
That's why the Beyer DT440 has sound so natural and is so light and comfortable you don't even know it's there, even after many hours.
At 9,6 ounces, it is one of the lightest headphones available. Andits weight is evenly distributed among the sponge-padded ear-cups and air-filled headband.
There's no great weight suspended from your head, and your ears never get squeezed.
Some people complain about the isolation of headphones that close them off from the world. So we built the DT440 with a high velocity open design, to allow a natural mixture of recorded music and environmental sound.
How does it sound? Most people say "spectacular". A great combination of impact and intimacy. The overall sound is wonderfully smooth and transparent. With clean, rich bass response. Powerful, lifelike midrange. Crystal-clear, undistorted highs. And perfect stereo imaging.
For sound - and for comfort - nothing beats a Beyer. We'd like to make one for you.

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