
Beveridge System 4 loudspeakers

The world acclaimed Beveridge Model 2, introduced in 1975, created new demand for a non-amplified, less expensive version of this exclusive speaker system, thus the creation of the System 3. through exposure to System 3, thousands of music lovers around the world were asking for "The Beveridge Sound".

Unfortunately, trained ears cannot always afford the best in sound or a listening studio to house a system of the size and caliber of the Beveridge System 3. the demand was there,  and once again Beveridge answered the call with System 4.


System 4 has the same sonic design philosophy as the other components of the Beveridge family. Mainly, flat frequency response, low distortion and more importantly, superb sound reproduction. The realistic essence of the original sound is so exact that there is virtually no difference between reproduced and original sound.


The Beveridgw System 4 is able to create a left to right image as well as a life-like front to back image. This three dimensional imaging is the capability that separates this extraordinary speaker system from ordinary speaker systems.

While retaining the superior live sound reproduction of larger Beveridge Systems, the System 4 is substantially smaller in both size and price. At one-third the cost of the original System 2SW-2, the System 4 uses the same electrostatic transducer with a somewhat different dispersion lens. The new 100° dispersion lens affords the owner flexibility in room placement of the speakers. They are just 63" tall and 17,5" in diameter, finished in an elegant architectural tambour designed to compliment any decor.



Three foot high, full range electrostatic transducer covers all frequencies above 200 Hz. Electrostatic will not arc; low impedance design minimizes effects of dust, moisture and humidity.

Beveridge patented lens gives the three foot electrostatic transducer a minimum of 100° horizontal dispersion over its entire frequency range and vertical length,

Two 12" drivers in sealed box enclosures cover frequencies from 33 to 200 Hz. The design places woofer on bottom end of the column and ensures bass uniformity throughout a room.

Three way amplification:

Single amplifier

Biamplification using internal Beveridge Passive crossover provided, and

Biamplification using external crossover preferably the Beveridge RM-3 electronic crossover.

Separate fused protection for woofer section, electrostatic section and polarizing voltage section.

Step-up audio transformer custom designed for high permeability and non-saturating cores.



Frequency Response:  33 Hz - 20,000 Hz ±3 dB of a flat response function of approx. -2 dB per octave, over a horizontal polar pattern of  100°

Total Harmonic Distortion :  1% at 90 dB SPL at 3,3 meters from two units as measured in an average room of 38 sq. Meters

Sound Pressure Level: 106 dB peaks, measured at 1m in a 13" x 26" room.

Woofer:  Q = 0,7 -3 dB "elbow" - 33 Hz

Crossover:  200 Hz , 18 dB/octave passive crossover. Directly by-passable

Impedance:  8  (can vary between 4  and 9 )

Amplification Required:  Minimum 50 watts RSM per channel, maximum 300 watts per channel. A stable amp into variable low impedances is necessary, one capable of driving 4 mld load, as well as possessing a damping factor of 20 or over , at 10 kHz

Includes:  Two electronic line sources with built-in sub-woofer system, all step-up transformers, crossovers and polarizing voltage network.


Diameter :  17,5"high :  63"

Shipping Weight:  200 lbs

Finishes:  Oak or walnut architectural tambour and black foam grill standard. Brushed silver aluminum, rosewood and unfinished birch optional. Export versions available.


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