What is stereo?

There are now two system of high fidelity, monophonic (monaural) and stereophonic. Monophonic is a system that starts from one microphone and is fed through a single high fidelity set. Stereophonic is a double system. Two separate microphones are placed at different sides of the orchestra and two different systems are used to keep the two signals or channels separated. Two separate speakers are used, placed on different sides of you room. Stereo is much like 3-D photography, two slightly different sound reach your ears giving you a new dimension in sound.

H.H. Scott '59

JBL 905VX loudspeakers


Better Sound in the Home

The same qualities that make JBL monitors the choice of studios make JBL Radiance Series loudspeakers a great choice for your home. Radiance offers strong bass, plenty of "presence" and excellent high frequency response.

Radiance loudspeakers are efficient. A receiver with as little as 10 watts per channel will drive any Radiance Series model to comfortable listening levels. Yet Radiance speakers are rugged enough to be used with receivers or amplifiers delivering up to 200 watts per channel , and they can reach the listening levels demanded for studio-quality sound.

We designed each of the transducers specifically for the Radiance Series, using advanced engineering techniques. Enclosure volumes were precisely calculated, and new dividing networks were developed to blend the outputs of the drivers smoothly at the transition frequencies. Because Radiance loudspeakers are ultimately meant to be heard by people rather than test instruments, the final decisions were made by our listening panels.



Low Frequency:  250 mm ( 10") diameter

Passive Radiator: 250 mm (10") diameter

Midrange Frequency: 130 mm (5") diameter

High Frequency:  75 mm (3") diameter

Crossover Frequency:  600 Hz, 3000 Hz

Nominal Impedance:  4

Sensitivity:  88 dB (SPL at 1m/1W input)

Recommended Amplifier Power Range:  10 - 150 watts continuous sine wave per channel

Dimensions (H x W x D):  959 x 413 x 324 mm ( 37-3/4" x 1-1/4" x 12-3/4")

Weight Net:  27 kg (59 lb)


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