What is stereo?

There are now two system of high fidelity, monophonic (monaural) and stereophonic. Monophonic is a system that starts from one microphone and is fed through a single high fidelity set. Stereophonic is a double system. Two separate microphones are placed at different sides of the orchestra and two different systems are used to keep the two signals or channels separated. Two separate speakers are used, placed on different sides of you room. Stereo is much like 3-D photography, two slightly different sound reach your ears giving you a new dimension in sound.

H.H. Scott '59

Thorens TP 28 ES

 TP 28 ES tone arm.
For optimum in tracking abillity, a tone arm must have a low bearing friction, hence the use of pivot bearings on the TP 28 ES. The mass of every tone arm forms a resonent system together with the compliance of the pick-up cartridge. Such tone arm mass must thus be carefully selected in view to keep the resonance frequency of the system within definite limits, i.e. between 7 and 12 Hz as taught by experience.
These limits are respected by the Thorens TP 28 ES tone arm in combination with nearly all available cartridges.

 The TP 28 ES is a straight arm and not S-shaped. The necessary offset angle is independent of the arm shape. A special surface treatment of the tone arm tube absorbs all undesirable resonances of the tone arm.
It will optimise ideally with almost every cartridge.

 Specifications TP 28 ES tone arm
Effective Length:  232 mm
Effective Mass:  12,5 g
Stylus Overhang:  16,4 mm adjustable
Offset single:  23°
Lateral Tracking Error:  ≤ 0,18°/cm of radius
Skating-compensation:  by calibrated spring
Tracking Force:  Graduation scale on counterweight
Bearing Friction:  ≤ 0,25 mN  (25mp) in both planes
Cartridge Mounting:  Standard ½"
Capacitance of cable:  150 pF

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