What is stereo?

There are now two system of high fidelity, monophonic (monaural) and stereophonic. Monophonic is a system that starts from one microphone and is fed through a single high fidelity set. Stereophonic is a double system. Two separate microphones are placed at different sides of the orchestra and two different systems are used to keep the two signals or channels separated. Two separate speakers are used, placed on different sides of you room. Stereo is much like 3-D photography, two slightly different sound reach your ears giving you a new dimension in sound.

H.H. Scott '59

Braun PS 600 turntable

Turntable Features
Motor - new electronically-controlled brushless DC motor with Hall commutator
Power transmission - direct rumble-free friction drive
Platter - dynamically balanced platter of 11-3/4" diameter and 5,5 lbs (2,5 kg) weight with rimmed record mat
Speed selector - 33-1/3, 45, 78 rpm
Mode selctor - 4 push buttons
Poitch control - ±3,5% of nominal speed
Stroboscope - illuminated strobe for all three speeds
Cueing control - hydraulically-damped, activated by lever, the smoothest in industry
Suspension - hydraulic suspension with very low resonance frequency for optimum resistance to shock and acoustic feed-back
10-record changer mechanism
Tonearm features
Construction - warp-free aluminum tubing with elastically-coupled counter weight
Bearings - precision instrument ball bearings for vertical and horizontal support
Balancing - tone arm balanced all three planes
Tracking force - adjustable from 0-4 grams by calibrated spring
Tone arm - resonance frequency less than 10 Hz
Antiskating control - separate calibraated dial for compensation of skating force
Tone arm length - 8-3/4" effective length
Tracking error horizontal - 0,2° maximum/cm tracking radiu
Caartridge shell - interchangeable with 4 pin precision quick connector. Suited for all 1/2" cartridges. Overhang adjustable.
Tracking angle Vertical - switch for error compensation on cartridge shell for single play or in changer use.

Rumble :  65 dB or better
Wow and Flutter:  0,07% or better
Semiconductors:  9 Transistors; 8 Diode;
Power Requirement:  117/220 V AC 50/60 Hz
Dimensions (W x H x D): 430 x 195 x 320 mm
Weight:  11,7 kg

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