FM Tuner
The 5-3000 has been styled and designed primarily as an operating mate for the Sherwood Model 5-1000 amplifier, however it has operating flexibility which will work effectively with practically any good high-fidelity amplifier system.
The Model 5-3000 tuner can be used either in its self-contained metal cabinet (for open-shelf or table-top mounting) or the cabinet can be removed and the tuner built into your custom cabinetry. Refer to section under "Custom-Panel Installation" for further details.
AUDIO - cathode follower with level control.
FM - Low noise balanced antenna input transformer feeding cascode RF amplifier. Triode mixer, 2 IF amplifiers, cascaded limiters, and Foster-Seeley balanced discriminator. Delayed AGC applied to RF stage. AFC on oscillator. Feather-ray tuning eye.
Typical Sensitivity:
0,95 µV for 20 dB quieting
1,8 µV for 30 dB quieting
3,6 µV for 50 dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Typical Selectivity: 200 kc at -6 dB
FM Discriminator: 600 kc, peak-to-peak
Tuning Range: 87,5 - 108,5 mc
Frequency Response: 20 - 20,000cps ±0,5 dB
Less than1/3 % Intermodulation DIstortion at 100% mod. (60/kc:4/1 w/std. Preemphasis)
Less than1% harmonic at 100% mod. 400 cps
Hum and Noise Level: 60 dB below 100% mod.
FM Drift: ±2 kc (w/AFC); ±15 kc (w/o AFC)
AFC Corection: 16 dB
Output: 2,0 Volts at 100% FM
Oscillator Radiation: 6 dB below FCC requirements
Antenna: 300 Ω balanced
Outputs: cathode-follower audio FM multiplex
Power Consumption: 40 watts, 110 -120 V, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions: 14 x 10,5 x 4 inch
Weight: 16 lbs (shipping)