Since its introduction in 1976 the A60 has achieved tremendous aclaim from customer and reviewer alike. It is now well established in the international market and has truly become the standard by which all other amplifiers are judged.
The A60 is now bwtter than ever and continues in its leading role as a low cost audio amplifier providing superb sound quality.
Further equipment has been developed to give maximum flexibility to our customers in their choice of hi-fi systems. Included in the family is the T21 FM Stereo Tuner, already established as a worthy companion to the A60 amplifier. Also now available based on the A60 circuitry are a separate power amplifier which can include electronic cross-over units for active loudspeakers and the A60AP, a more flexible integrated amplifier. All the units in the family are matched for use with each other although they can, of course, be used within any good hi-fi system.
The same care that was taken with the technical and audio design has also been taken with the apperance of the series. The units are all finished with the same matt black fascia, knobs and switches. The dimensions are such that in any selected system the units stack neatly together. Their slim style and choice of finishes for the cases - teak, rosewood, walnut or matt black - give the opportunity to blend with any room setting.
Our very popular A60 series gives everything expected in equipment costing far more high sound quality, attractive and functional styling and perhaps above all, exceptional reliability.

The A60 Integrated Stereo Amplifier delivers unsurpassed sound quality and performs with its legendary reliability. It is presented in a highly attractive but appealingly retrained cabinet that will continue to please for years to come. This equipment is genuinely in a class of its own.
The A60 can accept any magnetic or moving coil cartridge. The cartridge may be optimaly matched by the addition of a switchable loading module and, in the case of a low output moving coil cartridge, the internally fitted MC60 pre-amplifier board.

All teh inputs to the A60 have high overload margins so that almost any input source can be accepted without distortion. A switchable high frequency filter is fitted to reduce the noise from scratches on old records and stereo FM noise on tuners. The bass and treble controls have been designed so that deficiecies in some small speakers and cartridges may be corrected without colorationof the mid-frequency band. All input sockets have high quality silver-plated contacts for minimum noise. The loudspeakers are connected via heavy duty screw terminals which can accept either bare wires or 4 mm plugs. although the speaker sockets are wired directly to the amplifier outputs to obtain the best possible sound quality switched outputs are also fitted enabling the speakers to be cut out when headphnes are plugged in.
Tape recording outputs are provided from both auxiliary and tape socket, matching the inputs of both cassette and reel-to-reel recorders. The tape button allows source/tape monitoring of the signal when using a tape recorder with separate record and playback heads, while preset replay level controls are provided so that the A and B levels can be equalised.
The amplifier section of the A60 is designed to ensure distortion-free drive to loudspeakers of moderate to high efficiency in the most demanding of home listening environments. Maximum power is typically 40 watts per channel into 8 ohm speakers. Electronic protection in the power output stages safeguards against any incorrect loads or short circuits. This short term protection is backed by easily replaced output fuses should a fault persist.

Power output & distortion
Both channels into 8 ohm; >40 W at 0,2% THD 20 Hz - 20 kHz.
1 kHz output at 0,2% THD with one channel driven is typicaly:
50 W into 8 ohm,
70 W into 4 ohm
IHF burst power into 8 ohm typically 60 W (4 ohm typically 90 W).
1 kHz THD < 0,08% at any level up to 35 W/8ohm, typicaly < 0,03% at 35 W.
Frequency response:
20 Hz - 20 kHz +0,5 -1 dB reference 1 kHz, output falls continuosly beyond these limits
Input sensitivity:
MC cartridge: 100μV
MM cartridge: 2 mV
Tuner: 100 mV
Tape: variable
Input noise:
MC cartridge: <-63 dB
MM cartridge: <-70 dB
Tuner: <-85 dB
Tape: <-85 dB
Input Impedance:
MC cartridge: 330 Ω in parallel with 1000pF
MM cartridge: 47 kΩin parallel with 100 pF
Tuner: 100 kΩ
Tape: 47 -100 kΩ (depending on sensitivity setting)
Nominal output level:
Tape: 100 mV
Aux: 100 mV
Output impedance:
Tape : 5 kΩ
Aux: 15 kΩ
< -65dB at 1kHz
Tone controls:
Treble up to ±8 dB at 15 kHz
Bass up to ±8 dB at 50 Hz
High Filter turnover frequency: 7,5 kHz; slope 12 dB/octave, Bessel
Short term: deleyed V -I electronic protection
Long term: 1,6A 20mm x 5mm quick-blow fuses.
Power supply:
Maximum Load: 120 VA
Mains Voltage: 240 V nominal, range 190 -255 volts.
Dimensions (W x H x D): 450 x 60 x 250 mm (17¾ x 2⅜ x 9¾ inches)
Weight: 4,1 kg (9 lbs)
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