Powerful Advantages in Audio

Sansui's all-black amplifier series has earned a reputation among the knowledgeable as "The professional's equipment" - professional in circuit design, layout execution, low-distortion performance and dependable power supply systems. Every owner of Sansui amp knows that housed inside the elegantly simple-looking black boxes are high-technology circuits and features for true high fidelity reproduction.

Every one of the integrated stereo amplifiers here delivers strictly hi-fi reproduction over long years of operation.Creative engi neering means new and useful cicuit concepts in these top-of-the-line AU/TU models.Integrated stereo amps AU-11000 (110 watts RMS per channel) both feature comp parallel push-pull OCL outputs for astonishingly low distortion. Triple Tone Control and many other extras make them ideal for professional or semi-pro use.

Potenza : 110 +110 W RMS min. su 8/4 Ohm
Risposta in frequenza : 5 - 100.000 Khz
Distorsione armonica : 0,08 Hz ±1 dB
Distorsione d’intermodulaz. : 0,008 %
Ingressi : Phono1 e 2, Tape 1 e 2, Tuner, Aux
Sensibilità ingressi e Rapporti s/n : Phono 1: 2-4-8mv, Phono 2: 2 mv (s/n 65 dB);
Tunner, Aux 1 e 2, Tape: 130 mv (80 Db)
Uscite : 2 coppie altoparlanti, 2 registratori , cuffia
Controlli tono : bassi ±10 Db a 30 Hz, medi ±15 dB a 1.500 Hz , alti ±10 Db a 20 KHz
Selezione del punto di lavoro : bassi 150-300-600 Hz , alti 2-4-8 KHz
Filtri : antirombo, antifruscio, muting.
Dimensioni (L x H x P) : 460 x 160 x 375
Peso : 19,3 Kg
Prezzo dell’epoca : 990.000 lire
Anno di produzione : 1975 - 1977

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